Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Who knew, Family time= recharged

Knowing that Daniel was out of school on the 23rd I let my husband know that if there was nothing on the schedule we should do something, just the four of us.

We took advantage of some free happens form our Cast holiday celebration and we decided Minature Golf. We did find out last week that Bogey did have to work, but not until 3:00.  He decided to take the day off from his work at home. (I love him for that).

Our Day

Well we ended up sleeping in until......drum roll please......8ish!!! This was quite nice. We got some stuff togethter and then headed out to play.  Daniel chose Winter Summerland for our glofing enjoyment.

As we started to play Bogey and I realized this was Jackson's first time for minature golf. Oh boy was it a treat! Of course he let you know he didn't need ANY help. I would hit his ball from the putting tee whenever I could. Bogey was wating for Jackson to stop these anticts, but he never did; he just chased the ball and put it in the hole.....eventually:) Luckily it was slow. We didn't have to let anyone pass at all:) Bogey won with 40, Me 2nd with 50, third Danny boy with 60 and Jackson scored 108. Jackson didn't want to leave and of course he was quite confused on the 18th hole. "Where dit go? Where dit GO?!?!!"

He's a swinger!!

Tough putt

Yeah, that's right I think he's swell:)

Really not wanting to stop golfing

 Before Bogey headed to work we all went and enjoyed some ice cream.

After that the boys and I headed to Downtown Disney. Per Daniel's request our first stop, the LEGO store. I was proud of him...and me. While I stayed close to Jackson playing with LEGO pieces I gave Daniel the freedom to look around the store. "I'll be right here. Don't go out the doors." I said. He loved looking around the store "by himself".  I of course was like an eagle; one eye on Jackson at a central station and the other on Daniel carousing the premiter of the store. I would like to give a big Thank You to the LEGO store for such an open floor plan.  He used up some of his left over birthday money and got himself something.

So all was well with the big kid now moving on to the little one.

From the moment we got out to the car he just wanted to go into the water. So finally around 4:00 we went to the water and he played like you would not believe. He was soaked!(don't worry, we are having a warm winter)  When we had to leave no shock to myself he had a meltdown. In fact although he willing walked to the bathroom to change his clothes he made sure I knew he wasn't happy about it.   He finally forgave me and gave me some loving. 

As we arrived home I realized how much I needed this day.  A day with no schedule, no routine, just being with my family.  I felt refreshed and recharged for the rest of the week:)  It was nice.  And for this I am thankful.

Until next time,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Really? really? REALLY?!?!?!

I can't believe that this happened to me (well actually yes, yes I can).  

Today Jackson and I went to Hollywood Studios just to goof off and do whatever Jackson liked.  We had a really fun day:)  Just meandering around at ease. 

We headed out around 1:00 which is when I planned on leaving.  Giving me plenty of time to pick up Carson from Daycare and get back home in time to meet Daniel at the bus stop.  

Well, as Jackson and I were leaving I asked him "Do you want to walk or ride the tram?"  He said "Da tram."  (I know shocker).  

So as we were heading to the tram I came to the realization that I had no idea which row we parked in.  NONE!!!  So after approx. an hour of walking up & down, back & forth the rows of cars we found our car.  And to my surprised still made the pick up and bus stop with time to spare.  

Oh well, I would like to say I have learned my lesson, but I am sure there will be another time where I forget which row:)  

All in all it was a fun day,  who couldn't have a fun day with this little guy:)  

Thanks for reading.  I know this is of no real importance, but I needed a soundboard:) 

Have a good night all!  

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The start of a faithful journey......

It has been a week now and it is official. 

Bogey and I have swapped career roles (kinda, sorta).  I have changed my status from Full Time to Seasonal.  Basically that means they call me to see if I can work and if I can then I can, If can't then I can't.  Bogey is still writing music for marching bands, but his main workload is coming from his Webcomic.  Which is kind of the reason that this has become possible.  His Webcomic tonedeafcomics.com has been doing great!  Without sounding to cliche he really has put his heart and soul into this and it is reflecting all of his hard work and Just do it, but do it right attitude.  He also started working at Apple part time.  Which I kinda feel is play time for him:) 

We started talking about this transition a few years ago, but it wasn't until we started talking in late 2010/early 2011 that we could really start to envision it all.  Bogey has been at home with the boys since we were married (almost 4 years).  When it was just Daniel it was easier because he was already in Pre-K so Bogey had plenty of time to work from home with minimal interruptions and whatever he wasn't able to complete before Danny boy came home he could wrap up in the evening in an hour or two.  Now enter Jackson.  Not the same time schedule.  Even though Jackson does play well on his own NOW it hasn't always been that way (of course).  Bogey had to transition the way he was used to producing his product be it music or comic and in his own words "he felt forced to be creative at times he didn't feel that way".  So when I approached him about staying at home with the boys he was eager for this to happen.  He was happy to find work outside of the home too.  Don't get me wrong he is an AMAZING dad, but he was at a place where he needed to be Bogey and not Daddy all day.  Whereas I was good with my time as Shelley and I was ready to be Momma all the live long day:)  

We started to notice a growth pattern with his webcomic in late spring/early summer.  It was slow and steady which is good.  Then it kept growing, and growing and it is still increasing it following and sales on product that Bogey has designed.  Bogey had some family things come up with regards to his dad so we just took our time and made that our focus.  After things settled down he talked with me and told me his plan which was I lessen my availability to a few days a week and give him 3 full days to work and we could go from there.  So we crunched the numbers, we made sure we had income set aside just in case, and we found insurance for the family (which is the main reason I worked).  I gave my notice in November that starting the first of the year here is what I was available.  I wasn't sure if they would allow me to still stay, but they did and actually I have more time available than we thought.  So as of January 1, 2012 I am now a seasonal Cast Member.   

This decision has come with many mixed emotions: concern, fear, excitement, angst, joy, hope.  The only situation I can compare this too is when we first found out we were expecting Daniel.  I was overwhelmed with both absolute joy and tremendous fear.  But it was a good fear,  if that makes any sense. 

I have faith in my husband,  he wouldn't put us in a place where we would struggle unnecessarily.  I have faith in myself,  although new territory for me I will adjust as we go along and enjoy my boys and husband while making it all work with what we have.  I have faith in God, this has been something that I have prayed over A LOT!  I can honestly say whenever I gave a "what if"  it was thought through and I had a peace in my heart about it.  We're in good hands.  This is where I need to be right now.  I can't really explain it, but this is a good move for us.  

With that I will close for now and say "Yippee!!!"  This past week started off with a nervous Shelley, but I have made a deal with myself....

Love and support your husband, enjoy and care for your boys, and take it day by day. 

Until next time,