Friday, March 23, 2012

Even though....

I have to say over the past week my boys have been on what one might call a rollercoaster of emotions (particularly the 2 almost 3 year old, go figure).  I took ALOT of deep breaths this past week:)

Through all the crazy, I was reminded how much I really do love those kooky boys.

Be it watching Daniel work on his kite at Cub scouts, Jackson painting on the back porch, the excitement in Daniel's eyes when he completes a new level on a game,  or Jackson with his head tilted just so asking "Wanna pray kendy waand?" translation "Want to play Candy land?".  Of course I love to see them sleep.  I just look at them and they are so beautiful and I think "Wow!"  "I am so blessed."

I love my boys.  I don't always like the crazies, especially the ones from the past week, but it is what it is:)

Until next time