Thursday, May 24, 2012

Snapshots of Spring

Memorial Day is approaching and thus for me Summer begins:)  It kinda was a busy spring this year, so here's a photo run down of our spring time fun! 

Spring Break:)

We made our 1st trip to the Science Center

Jackson 1st time on Barnstormer!
Our "big boy"

At least he did it:)

Hooray!!!  Cotton Candy for all:) 

Sunday treat, Strawberry Shortcake!!


The boys popping up the tent

Pool side treat


The Pack

Being a boy.  Those flip flops did not make it back home by the way:) 

Our Anniversary! 

Getting ready for the HULK.  Not sure what my dear husband is doing

Green Goblin trying to kill me


Butterbeer.  Mmmmmmmm.

Ahh the mess:)

The bunnies de chocolate


The Village kids @ Will & Cooper's Party

Celebrating my birthday with Jacob

Happy 3rd birthday Jackson!  We love you:)

Bogey's celebration pancakes

With Daniel at his Blue and Gold Banquet

I probably have forgotten some things, but all in all a fun spring.  I am ready for that last school bell to ring so I can have my first full summer with my boys!!!

Until next time:)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Oh, the things they say

As we all know children don't always or just flat out don't have a filter for what they say.  My boys are no exception.  Although five years separate them, they can certainly come up with some interesting topics, statements, or just plain matter of fact points.  I'm going to try to log a few in from time to time.  Who knows maybe this will also help me stay a bit more consistent with the blog.  And like always this is truly more of a way for me to "jot down"  the wonderful crazy that each of my boys are:)  If you read it I hope you enjoy and hopefully have a giggle along with me.

Here is the most recent banter from the boys:

Jackson (3) "Wook Cows!!  I don't want to eat dem."  This was on our way to Soccer practice.  Random!

Daniel (8) This is addressed to me at the table during breakfast this week.
D ~"Mom, when you were born did you have slaves?" 
Me ~ "No baby.  Slavery did not exist any more by the time I was born."
D ~ "Oh.  When did it end."
Me ~ "After the Civil War."  (I know I may not be historically accurate, but for my purposes it worked)
D ~ "Oh.  "So you didn't have any slaves?"
Me ~ "No, baby."
D ~ "That's good."
I think he assumes that I was a part of that era.  Oh the perception of age.

Until next time:)

Smiple Joys

The sound of my boys Laughing with each other while they play.  Amazing!!! 

Just thought I'd share. 

Until next time:)