Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer break...Day 4

I know, I know!  We are way past day 4, but I'm hoping over the next few days I can get our Summer break memories caught up (at least that is the plan). 
Bogey was scheduled to work on Father's day so we decided to take advantage of a day he did have off.  We choose the Monday prior June 11th to be exact.  He wanted to go to a water park.  The park of choice Typhoon Lagoon.  
It goes without saying we had a blast! 
We even let Dad decide on Lunch.  So we all shared a Sand pail Ice cream.  If you are unfamiliar with it just think of a sand pail full of soft serve ice cream combined with the best choice of sundae toppings you can think of complete with cherry on the top:)  It's all cool with this girl who has a monster of a sweet tooth;) 
As stated before the day was just plain fun from water play to slides, and yes even Jackson who has a tendency to make others feel he is completely miserable in the water, had a blast. 
Here's some photos from the day.  Enjoy!


Gang Plank Flanks.  See what I mean about Jackson.  Miserable.

Daniel on the raft

Lunch with Dad

Heading to the slides

This is more his thing:)

Bubble face

Happy boy

Until next time:)

Simple Joys

Hearing the boys signing in the backseat:)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Proud Mom moment

I don't know if it was the gained independence while playing over at a friends house solo, or cuddling on the couch with me for a bit while his brother napped, Or the relief that the Thunderstorm passed over us this evening, or maybe he is buttering me up for something:), but I was so pleased with Daniel this evening. 

Thoughtful, mindful of others, compassionate, responsive (the first time), humble, and very Thankful. 

Now don't get me wrong he always shows the qualities, but they are sometimes jumbled up with some random eight year old boy "stuff" (if I need to fill you in let me know:)). 
Bogey and I always try to remind each other "Compliment the positive."  So tonight as far as compliments go, they were shooting at Daniel left and right.  Again don't get me wrong I love that child more than life itself, but sometimes I admit it, he kinda makes me crazy. 
I think that is because I KNOW how amazing he is and I try my hardest to set him up for his best potential right now. 

OK so I think I have reached my rambling point of the topic, so to wrap up.  I think Daniel is quite an amazing young man and I love him no matter if he is making me CooCoo or blowing me away by how awesome he is.  Thankfully this evening reflected the latter:) 

Until next time:)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh, the things they've said lately

Daniel as he is playing with LEGO Star Wars ships and mini figures:
"This is the Star Wars version of World War I." (insert hand presentation by the kid)

Jackson whenever he sees Count Dooku on Clone Wars:
"Wook!  It's Count Coo Coo!" 
side note, This drives Daniel CRAZY! Until next time:)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Break...Day 2

After sleeping in, (YAY!!!) we headed out to Hollywood Studios for one last round of Star Wars Weekends.  Truth be told I really wanted to take some last shot photos with some of the characters, Chewbacca, Shaak Ti, and C3PO & R2D2.  We did see one of the show special to SWW.  Daniel really enjoyed it and that made me a happy mom geek:)  Sad to say due to the weather (imagine that) we did not accomplish a visit with all the above, but we did meet up with the Wonderful Wookie.  The boys enjoyed the chance to meet up with him.  Again score one for the geek in me:)  Regardless it was a great day with the boys!

Watching Chewbacca

Happy to see a Wookie

We had a surprise guest:)

Ended the day on a VERY wet note:)  still smiling though.
Until next time:)

Simple Joys

Here it is.

Until next time:)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Oh the things they've said lately.....

Overheard Daniel explaining the process of aging to Jackson:
"You are a man when you have experiences.  I have a few more and then I'll be one." 

Jackson when he heard the garbage truck outside:
"IT'S THE BLUE TRASH CAN BUS!!!!!"  and yes, he shouted this:) 

Until next time:)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer break....Day 1

We had family in town so we were excited to spend the day with them galavanting around Hollywood Studios.  We truly did have a great time.   However the weather wasn't completely in our favor, but we made do:) 

 Fun start!  Can't wait to see what's next:) 

Until next time:)

Summer Break!!!!

It is here and I am very excited about this summer!!!!  I will BE with my boys this summer:)  

Besides some time we have planned for vacation I truly don't have a plan for summer.  So here's to a summer full of lots of fun, time together as a family, along with some productivity as we go (after the last few weeks our home needs a bit of TLC).

 I think most of all I want to remember this:

Let the Summer time roll!!

Until next time:)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Snapshots of Spring

Memorial Day is approaching and thus for me Summer begins:)  It kinda was a busy spring this year, so here's a photo run down of our spring time fun! 

Spring Break:)

We made our 1st trip to the Science Center

Jackson 1st time on Barnstormer!
Our "big boy"

At least he did it:)

Hooray!!!  Cotton Candy for all:) 

Sunday treat, Strawberry Shortcake!!


The boys popping up the tent

Pool side treat


The Pack

Being a boy.  Those flip flops did not make it back home by the way:) 

Our Anniversary! 

Getting ready for the HULK.  Not sure what my dear husband is doing

Green Goblin trying to kill me


Butterbeer.  Mmmmmmmm.

Ahh the mess:)

The bunnies de chocolate


The Village kids @ Will & Cooper's Party

Celebrating my birthday with Jacob

Happy 3rd birthday Jackson!  We love you:)

Bogey's celebration pancakes

With Daniel at his Blue and Gold Banquet

I probably have forgotten some things, but all in all a fun spring.  I am ready for that last school bell to ring so I can have my first full summer with my boys!!!

Until next time:)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Oh, the things they say

As we all know children don't always or just flat out don't have a filter for what they say.  My boys are no exception.  Although five years separate them, they can certainly come up with some interesting topics, statements, or just plain matter of fact points.  I'm going to try to log a few in from time to time.  Who knows maybe this will also help me stay a bit more consistent with the blog.  And like always this is truly more of a way for me to "jot down"  the wonderful crazy that each of my boys are:)  If you read it I hope you enjoy and hopefully have a giggle along with me.

Here is the most recent banter from the boys:

Jackson (3) "Wook Cows!!  I don't want to eat dem."  This was on our way to Soccer practice.  Random!

Daniel (8) This is addressed to me at the table during breakfast this week.
D ~"Mom, when you were born did you have slaves?" 
Me ~ "No baby.  Slavery did not exist any more by the time I was born."
D ~ "Oh.  When did it end."
Me ~ "After the Civil War."  (I know I may not be historically accurate, but for my purposes it worked)
D ~ "Oh.  "So you didn't have any slaves?"
Me ~ "No, baby."
D ~ "That's good."
I think he assumes that I was a part of that era.  Oh the perception of age.

Until next time:)

Smiple Joys

The sound of my boys Laughing with each other while they play.  Amazing!!! 

Just thought I'd share. 

Until next time:)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Even though....

I have to say over the past week my boys have been on what one might call a rollercoaster of emotions (particularly the 2 almost 3 year old, go figure).  I took ALOT of deep breaths this past week:)

Through all the crazy, I was reminded how much I really do love those kooky boys.

Be it watching Daniel work on his kite at Cub scouts, Jackson painting on the back porch, the excitement in Daniel's eyes when he completes a new level on a game,  or Jackson with his head tilted just so asking "Wanna pray kendy waand?" translation "Want to play Candy land?".  Of course I love to see them sleep.  I just look at them and they are so beautiful and I think "Wow!"  "I am so blessed."

I love my boys.  I don't always like the crazies, especially the ones from the past week, but it is what it is:)

Until next time

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The journey check in:)

We are approaching 2 months since we began this fun little journey of faith.  Here are the roads we have traveled so far.  Some have been alone while others all together.

Again I have to say he has taking on so much, but he keeps it all together and going.  He set a booth up of Tonedeafcomics at two Music Educator Convention.  In January he set up at the FMEA, which was good because it was in Tampa so he was able to commute back home at the end of the day. Although he did let me know he has no desire to travel that route for a while;)   He was very happy with the results and the merchandise sold.  In February he went to KMEA.  This was not as easy of a commute.  This was in Louisville.  He traveled about 15 hours with all his booth gear, which meant our poor VUE was packed quite strategically:)  He traveled a day early so one of the big pluses was that he was able to visit with his family in Ft. Mitchell.  Also while at the convention he was able to catch up with some friends who were attending the convention.  Not to mention he did partake of a meal from Skyline while in the area:)    He liked the results from the convention.  He did noticed there were a few disadvantages at this convention, but it seems like those are being worked out for the future conventions.  The good thing he was able to get the comic out there to what seemed to him to be a new group of readers.  He already has plans for the 2012/2013 convention year so watch out MEA's tonedeafcomics might be coming to your town:)  
I must say I am so very proud of him.  He did this ALL by himself.  He never ceases to amaze me with his vision for this.  All I can do is just say "What can I do?"  and let him do the rest.  Along with all of this prep and delivery he was and is still maintaining the Comic, Composing Music, Working at Apple, and he still finds time to spend with us too:)  And I've said it before, but that is one of the many reasons I love him!!

Bogey in his work blue

It goes without saying that I love being at home with the boys (I guess I'll say it anyway).  Currently my biggest challenge is one with myself.  My productivity or at least what I assume my productivity at home with regards to chores and organizing should be is lacking.  So to overcome this I have decided to give myself lists be it for the day, week or month what I feel should be accomplished.  This is not good territory for me.  You see I'm not a list maker nor am I good at marking off my list:)  However I have dedicated to grocery shop only with a list, and to my surprise I have been very successful with keeping that maintained so I think this is something I can (and will) adapt too:)    My hope is that this will motivate me to use my time more efficiently during the weekday so that when Daniel is home from school & Bogey not working my focus on chores & errands are at minimum.  Actually to be nonexistent would be great, but I'm not fooling myself about that one. 
The only other thing that has been an adjustment for me is dinner.  I think I took for granted the fact that we always sat down; the four of us and had dinner.  I mean it is fine just me and the boys, but I do miss Bogey at the dinner table with us.  I have decided that this is not a permanent thing so I need to savor when we are all four at the table together.   Breakfast, lunch or dinner.  And I guess that is it for me right now.  So as I get my list making and doing revved up I'll enjoy the moment and do my best to allow myself to focus less on the what chores should be done, and more on the time that is here right now to spend with the boys.  Because right now they WANT me to play with them, read to them, sing to them, sit close to them.  Who knows they may always be this affectionate with me, but just in case I am going to try to savor every moment;)
My Danny boy
Sweet Jackson
Living like a 2nd grader.  He just completed his 2nd grading period on A honor roll.  Two in a row, Woo hoo!!   He started with the Alpha program this year.  He is really liking this.  Although sometimes he misses going to P.E. with his class, but for the most part he is really enjoying it.  His favorite topic they have studied was Astronomy.   He has become very interested in the constellations.
At the first of the school year he joined Cub Scouts.  He is a Wolf Cub.  He is getting a lot out of it.  He participated in a Pinewood derby and with the exception of a little help from Bogey and Uncle Jeff that car was all done by Daniel.  He would even remind us "Remember I am suppose to do this"  whenever we would "suggest" something.  So we made sure to keep it HIS car:)  He won out of all the Wolves and 3rd overall for the pack.  He was able to go to district where he decided to place his car in the design category instead of racing it and he won 1st place!!
He will begin Soccer in March.  He wanted to play this year so of course I said "YES!!"  Anytime he asks to do something I try to make it happen.  As long as there is not too much.  I am a bit nervous with Cub Scouts, soccer practice and games.
That sums up what Daniel does when he is not at home playing the Wii, playing his DS, watching the crazy antics of Phineas & Ferb, enjoying the adventures of those fearless Jedi's from Clone Wars (although truth be told he is truly a Grevious fan), building his LEGOS, reading books, being Jackson's big brother or our Sweet Danny boy! 
I know I am biased, but this kid is truly amazing.  Don't get me wrong we have challenges, but what kid doesn't.  So I'll say it again.  This kid is amazing!!!   

@ the Pack Derby

@ District

Building one of the Star Wars ships

The Boys!

Oh my goodness!!  Where do I begin.....This little guy is a high octane, cuter than can be, curious, sweet smilin', eye batting, smart, chatty, all boy 2 year old.
When I went back to work after my Maternity leave in 2009 I felt like he was changing every time I blinked.  I don't know why it seemed hard.  I did get to experience most of his milestone form baby to toddler, but I still felt like I was missing time with him.  Well now that I have said that let me just say he is still growing up.  Everyday it seems like there is something new he is doing or trying.  Weather it is drawing a smiley face or attempting to draw a dog (he just did that this week), taking off his shoes or cleaning up without being asked.  I find myself amazed with this little person still forming in front of my eyes. 
Not unlike most younger siblings, Jackson has a hard time realizing that he is only Two and sometimes that comes some slight limitations.  He is not quite as tall as Daniel nor  does he have the same dexterity and coordination.  However does that stop him?  As Jackson likes to say "Nope."  I love his determination and my goodness when he succeeds.....There are few things as bright as his sweet smile:)  Our biggest challenge is the "P" word.  Potty training is going very slow.  That is the one thing he really hasn't cared to be a big kid (of course).  We have had some very consistent days the past week, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for the end of May we will be all good with the Potty (Gotta have faith people)
So before I wrap this up here is what Jackson is doing theses days.  He loves to color (when he can use markers it is major props for him), build LEGOS, ramp cars, run outside, chalk drawings on the drive way, puzzles, bubbles, watch Little Einsteins, watch anything that Danny boy watches, play with Daddy, pounce on Daniel, lead Momma by the shirt to "Come watsh dis"  (Come watch this).  I love this stage he is at right now.  I couldn't think of any other place I'd want to be:)
For me Jackson like falling in love with his Dad is an answer to a prayer I never knew I had, but one my heart did.  Jackson is and always will be a reminder of God's Grace and Love for you even when you didn't know you needed it or even had it.

Two years old
Puddles!!!  We love them!
Hanging in the tent coloring:)
All that playing and Loving can wear a little guy out

So that is us over the past few months.  As always just living life the best way we can while trying to keep love our first priority with a little fun mixed in:) 

Thanks for reading.

Until next time.